
There is hope, in faith.   It’s life-affirming.

What is faith? 

There must be more than this  (there, click on ‘more than this’) (video)

Shaping God (video – there, click on ‘shaping God’)

What is Christianity all about?

Faith is deep satisfaction, deep security knowing “I am loved, no matter what …” read in 5 short bits (to read, click ‘start this plan’).

What’s Christian faith? (link to a good book)

Coronavirus / Covid-19  and Christianity – thoughts to read here

How does faith change people? (personal stories)

Who is Jesus?  (pictures & text)

To Jesus we say:

What difference makes faith? (What’s the point?!) here some starters:

An economy driven by equality

Building global friendships

Caring for creation

Doing politics differently

Flourishing local communities

Health and well-being

Investing in young people

Working to end violence against women

LGBT+ / Same-sex marriage / support for Pride events – the Church of Scotland nationally is a wide mix under a broad roof.  In Auchtertool Kirk EVERYONE is welcome and valued, we see everyone as God’s beautiful gifted creation. We, in an informal way,  see ourselves as LGBT+ friendly; as friends, allies or advocates.

science and ethics can do without faith ?!  Do science, religion and technology agree?   or even:  inform each other?

Edge of faith (video)

Faith in life beyond this life? The hope of Christian faith (stories and thoughts to read over several days)

Can I have faith alone? or with someone?

What kinds of people are leading faith? (youtube clip)

Could you be a minister? (video clip)

Where are people leading faith?  ‘tomorrows calling’ videos:

God, jesus and ministry on the edge of the world. with Rev David McNeish  

Serving God and communities in Stornoway. with Rev Tommy MacNeil

Christianity is a worldwide movement.

Christian faith is local.

We live and work as a “parish church” so we want to answer to the spiritual quests of all who live in “our area” (=the parish). This area-based serving is part of the Church of Scotland 


The Good News of Jesus Christ is inspiring hope and life. The people of Auchtertool Kirk seek  enthusiastic worshipping, witnessing, nurturing and serving.   Join in.   Support, we want your help:  personal, technical, time, skills, talents (and money if you have).

There’s more to life than money can buy and God’s love is free to all;   it increases when shared.

A statement of Christian faith:

We believe in one God:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God is love.

We praise God the Father:

Who created the universe and keeps it in being.

He has made us his sons and daughters to share his joy, 

Living together in justice and peace,

Caring for his world and for each other.

We proclaim Jesus Christ, God the Son:

Born of Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit,

He became one of us, sharing our life and our death. He made known God’s compassion and mercy

Giving hope and declaring forgiveness of sin, offering healing and wholeness to all.

By his death on the cross and by his resurrection He has triumphed over evil.

Jesus is Lord of life and of all creation.

We trust God the Holy Spirit:

Who unites us to Christ and gives life to the Church;

Who brings us to repentance and assures us of forgiveness.

The Spirit guide us in our; understanding of the bible, 

Renews us in the sacraments

And calls us to serve God in the world.

We rejoice in the gift of eternal life:

We have sure and certain hope of resurrection through Christ, and we look for his coming again to judge the world.

Then all things wilI be made new.

And creation will rejoice in worshiping the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Spirit,

one God, blessed for ever. 

(This statement of creed (=faith, thought through systematically) was approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 1992. You can find this statement in the Church’s worship book, Common Order. It is used alongside the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, both ancient creeds of the church:)

Visit to find out more about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith